


4 October - TECA B

- 14:00 - 17:30

Beyond Warp Speed: Crafting the Future of Web Development with Astro 4.0

Embark on a journey into the cutting-edge world of web development with Astro.build, the speed-driven, all-in-one web framework that’s redefining the way we build for the web. Imagine a framework where “component islands” seamlessly integrate, and the default is “zero JS” — welcome to Astro 4.0!

Join me in this talk as we unravel the basics behind Astro and explore its native support for popular UI frameworks like React, Preact, Svelte, Solid, and more. We’ll deep dive into real-world use cases, focusing predominantly on the React ecosystem—covering routing, components, and other exciting features.

But that’s not all! Witness the magic unfold as we update our presentation slides live using Astro and we try a live test deployment during the presentation — with fingers crossed for the favor of the demo gods.

Fasten your seatbelts, and let’s propel your projects into the stratosphere with Astro!


For this workshop is required to have: a pc or mac with nodejs/yarn/npm and git already installed






- 10:15 - 11:00

Dumb Phones, Smart Breaks: Surviving Burnout with Calm Tech and Nokia Nostalgia

Ever felt like your smartphone is more like a demanding boss than a helpful tool? As a software engineer navigating the chaos of the tech world, I found myself desperately in need of a digital detox. Enter the Nokia dumb phone – my unexpected savior in the battle against burnout! In this uproarious talk, I’ll share how I ditched the distractions and embraced the hilariously retro world of dumb phones to reclaim my sanity. From dodging relentless notifications to rediscovering the lost art of boredom, we’ll journey together through the comically calming realm of calm technology. Join me for a laugh-out-loud exploration of why sometimes, going back to basics is the smartest move of all!

Francesco Napoletano
Staff Software Engineer

I’m Francesco, 43 years old, staff software engineer specialized in web applications living in Giussano, Italy.
I have more than 18 years experience in frontend and backend technologies. I’ve worked in international teams for many different companies, applying agile methodologies in my everyday work.

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