



- 11.30 - 12.15

Solve real-world module federation problems

In this session, we’ll explore the exciting world of module federation applied to micro-frontends and a couple of plugins that allows us to have the same developer experience we are used to.
Module Federation is a game-changer in the world of micro-frontends, enabling teams to share code and resources across multiple applications.
We’ll explore a use case where plain module federation is not enough to achieve the wanted results, and how to resolve this.

Join us to learn how to harness the power of module federation and take your micro-frontend architecture to the next level!

Matteo Pietro Dazzi
Staff developer
I’m Matteo, I’m 30 and I’m a Staff Developer @ Neaform.
I have always loved programming. Since computer science is a field that is constantly developing, it is always necessary to study, even on one’s own, to stay up to date. I’m always looking for something that will never stop me from continuing this habit: keeping up with the future.

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